Thursday, April 29, 2010

Period 5 -- Last name Starts with E-J

Your mission is to come up with a creative title for Chapters 14 & 15.

  1. Write the title out in quotations
  2. Below the title, write out a justification for your choice -- be sure to pull from those chapters specifically in order to support your title completely.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Amanda F.

Chapter 14/15: “The Evolution of the Monster...or not?”

I would title this chapter that because I feel like we really start to understand the monster in these chapters. I would have one of the earlier chapters be titled “The Evolution of the Monster” when he is learning how to read and speak their language. Before we were hearing about the stories he heard from his hovel but in this chapter Shelley shows us how the monster has matured into almost a different creature. He starts to be able to truly feel his emotions. This is seen when he has found those books in the woods and starts to read them. “'But Paradise Lost excited different and far deeper emotions... It moved every feeling of wonder and awe, that the picture of an omnipotent God warring with his creatures was capable of exciting. I often referred the several situations, as their similarity struck me, to my own'” (92). The monster begins to feel and understand his emotions and what drives them through his reading. He also begins to understand and act more like a human where he is constantly connecting a situation to other situations. The “or not?” part comes into play in this chapter especially because over the course of a couple of chapters we see this crazy, dangerous monster become a mannered, refined man and then change back into his monster qualities. The reader has to question whether he is being pushed back into his old ways which probably leads to the killing of William. This was sparked when he was turned down by the family he was constantly watching. “'Who can describe their horror and consternation on beholding me? … I saw him on the point of repeating his blow, when, overcome by pain and anguish, I quitted the cottage, and in general tumult escaped unperceived to my hovel'” (97). This pain has brought him back into his old ways and has turned the evolution of the monster back to the beginning. In the beginning of chapter 14 the monster is refined in his story telling and begins to show emotion towards the family and become similar to the humans but by the end of chapter 15 the monster seems to have taken steps backward and has returned to his comfort zone and monster ways.

p.s. I really wish they didn't use Roman numerals because no one ever really taught them well to me which made this task a little bit harder. : (