Sunday, December 21, 2008

READ FIRST: A Note on Bodega Dreams Postings...

Some reminders:
  • Your three halfway through posts are due by January 1st! Be sure to post a comment to each prompt. Also, make sure that when you post on the halfway responses you adhere to the p.107 halfway cutoff. We wouldn't want anyone to spoil the book for everyone else!
  • Your three completed novel posts are due on January 4th by midnight! Be sure to post a comment to each prompt.
  • Write your name either at the beginning or the end of your post -- an anonymous post receives no credit!

You will notice that there is not a separate section for each class to respond to the prompts. I think it will make for a better Fishbowl Discussion (notice the use of fishbowl as an adjective rather than a verb, thank you very much) if you can see everyone's responses; therefore, when you have finished making your posts, please read through everyone else's responses. Reading these responses will prepare you for our discussion on January 5th.

I will be popping in to respond to you blogs from time-to-time, and if you feel so inclined you may do the same after you have completed the assigned posts.

Happy blogging :)

1/2 Way Through Bodega Dreams Prompt #1

It's time for everyone's favorite English class pastime -- PASSAGE ANALYSIS!

Oh, I know you just cheered wildly and that wasn't a groan I heard echoing all the way to my house!

Select a passage from the text that you find significant in some way; perhaps it is particularly interesting, essential to the novel thus far, or even just plain confusing. Type out the passage and then analyze its significance.

Say it with me: I LOVE passage analysis!

1/2 Way Through Bodega Dreams Prompt #2

So, who's your favorite? Or, who's your least favorite? Pick a character you find intriguing for either positive or negative reasons and discuss his/her development thus far in the novel. Any predictions for this character?

Please pick someone you feel is important -- p.s. textual evidence will help you support that idea.

1/2 Way Through Bodega Dreams Prompt #3

Found any parallels to The Great Gatsby? Well, of course you have! If you haven't... look closer!!

Give an example of a parallel or connection that you have found, explain the example, give all the details necessary, and then be sure to explain how this novel puts its own twist on it.

Remember: it won't be exactly the same or else Quinonez just copied Fitzgerald!

Done with Bodega Dreams Prompt #1

Congratulations! You have finished the novel! I hope you enjoyed it :)

For the first of your final three blogs I would like you to revisit the idea of passage analysis. This time, however, pick one passage in the second half of the novel that you think has the most significance overall. Try to find a quote the encapsulates the novel perfectly. Type out the passage and then analyze its significance, supporting why you think it is the most important one.

Again, just remember: You know you LOVE passage analysis!!!

Done with Bodega Dreams Prompt #2

Remember that character you picked halfway through the novel? The one that was either your favorite or your least favorite? Revisit that character and discuss now having read the entire novel if that character still maintains your original opinion. Support why or why not.

In addition, please comment on which character plays the most significant role in the entire novel. If you had to pick just one, regardless of your opinion of favorite/least favorite, who would you say drives the novel and that without this character the novel would not work? Support your opinion.

Done with Bodega Dreams Prompt #3

By now I am sure the parallels to The Great Gatsby have become quite evident. And if not, well you should really reread Gatsby and maybe even this novel before the big test!!

Please give an example from the last half of the novel of a parallel or connection to Gatsby that you have found, explain it, highlight how the novel puts its own twist on it, like you did 1/2 way through.

In addition to your example, respond to this question: Did Quinonez rip off Fitzgerald? Consider if there is enough difference to credit Quinonez with an original idea. Also, is it possible that this is just another example of how all literature represents writers ripping off other writers, but throwing some new ideas into the mix? Or is that what writing is: borrowing ideas and putting a new twist on them?